Dear Freshman, A Word of Advice…

Source: Dear Freshman, A Word of Advice…

There is almost nothing more nerve wracking like the new school year being right around the corner. And with every fall semester come the freshman, beginning their new lives for the next 4 years. Looking back when I was a freshman at Biola University in 2012, I have had a number of thoughts on what I would have re-done, avoided, or done better during my first year. As I come up on my senior year, I decided to write this blogpost for all of those who are entering college for the first time this fall semester. Whether you are entering into a public or private, secular or Christian school, I hope that this post will help give you some thoughts (Note: While this blogpost is aimed more at Christians students and Christian Universities, some of these pieces of advice are for everyone).

1. Not everyone is a Christian at your Christian college

This honestly may come as a shocker to some, but there are large number of students at Christian Universities who are not Christians, whatever the reason may be. For some, it may be because their parents forced them to go to a Christian college. For others, it could be that they are struggling in their faith due to past experiences or the questioning of their beliefs. Before entering college, my parents made it very clear to me that not everyone was a believer and they were right. I came across students who I knew were not believers and that were putting a mask to blend in with the rest of the student body. But do not see this as something to get angry about because you honestly do not know their reasons or their life story. Rather than ignoring or being a mere acquaintance, befriend them and get to know who they are and why they believe what they believe. You never know what will come out of it, maybe you’ll change their life. And if somehow you do not, then hopefully you’ve made a great friend in the process.

2. Think more about what you want to major in

As I said previously, this blogpost is not just for Christians. Unless you are solely set on what it is you want to major in, really consider deeply what field you want to step into. I walked into Biola as a journalism major, having my whole life planned out, all the way to graduate school and beyond and what happened? God tore my plan apart, and for good reason. Now I am a Communication Studies Major, emphasizing in Rhetoric & Interpersonal. If I would have known how much I was gifted in the area of communication back then, college life would have been a different story. Whether you are undeclared or testing the waters of a department, take a good amount of time thinking about what you really enjoy doing, what it is you want to do with your life, and how you could see yourself there. You might change your mind in the future as I did. Better to graduate late with a degree you love than to graduate with a degree you regret.

3. Not everyone in your Student Orientation Group is your friend.

Student Orientation weeks can honestly be a hit or miss for students depending on the people in their group, who their orientation leader is, and who they are as a person. Do not get the idea that everyone in your group or everyone you come to meet is your friend. I connected very well with some of the people I was with and within the next week after orientation, we went our separate ways hardly ever talked again. It may sound sad or negative, but at least you will come to know who your real friends are. I did not have any close friends until second semester, but it was worth the wait. I am not saying do not try and make friends, but do not expect a friendship out of everyone that you come into contact with.

4. Chapel & Biblical Course do not equal church

I have heard this every beginning semester from the school president and speakers during chapel and I will repeat what they said, chapel and your biblical courses are NOT your church.Yes, there is spirituality and growing involved in both these areas,but don’t let college itself be your only way to connect with God. As you begin to make friends, try and find a local church to get involved with and build connections and relationships. It will benefit you, both socially and spiritually, more than you think. And do not try and go to a college where you know most of your friends will be at. Challenge yourself and branch out to the community around you.

5. Be wise with your assignments & free-time

This was one of the most difficult things that I had to deal with when entering college. During high school, you had a strict schedule of classes, lunch breaks, and when certain assignments were due. With college, each professors varies in regards to assignments and how long/how many times you meet a week. Especially when it comes to that one class you have once a week, getting lazy in your work is a huge temptation. Sure, take breaks when you can. Go hang out with friends, take a weekend trip away from college, but do not lose focus on your work. Remember, your money (or your parent’s) is being put into those classes, so make the most of it.

6. Get out of your comfort zone & try new things

You will be very surprised when it comes to trying new things, big or small. As I previously said, get out of the college bubble and go explore the cities and sites around you. Because I am a commuter student, I always enjoy taking Biola friends to new places they have never been, whether it is downtown LA, the comic book store, Disneyland, and even my house (my mom is really gifted in hospitality). Who knows, that new hobby you enjoy doing may become a new inspiration as to what you could do with your life.

7. Put dating off for a for the first semester or two

I get it, you are meeting guys/girls that are truly amazing. They are attractive, great in personality, and actually have life goals they are pursuing. Now, it is not a bad thing to develop feelings for someone, you are human. But I will greatly encourage you to resist pursuing them and try to be “more than friends.” This one is more of a personal opinion due to the fact that relationships vary for everyone. Do not spend your first year looking for “the one” but also, keep your options open with the people you come in contact and make friends with. Be friends first, build up your relationships and focus on school as well as having fun. Wait until at least the second semester or second school year to begin thinking about this but always keep your options open. It is a difficult balance I know, but hey, you never know when you will meet that person. Maybe even during the first semester, you might.

8. Keep track of your finances

Around this time is when students get their first debit and credit card and it can get pretty tempting to spend throughout the week, especially on food and coffee. It is much easier to swipe your card than to pay in cold, hard cash. My advice, set up a financial plan with your parents or your friend who is good with money and plan out how much you spend and what to save up for. Before senior year, my spending was off the charts. Now that I set up a payment plan with my mom, I have a reason to not overspend unless an emergency. If I had done this in my freshman year, life would have been less stressful.

9. Go to summer school

I think we can all agree that no one wants to go to summer school. Regardless of how you feel about it though, you may be thanking yourself in future when you realize how many credits you knocked out in a short period of time and how much money you saved by attending a community college. Get your PE classes complete in a few weeks or that general ed class that just isn’t worth the thousands of dollars at your university.

10. Consider studying abroad

You would be very surprised of how much you can accomplish by studying abroad, both academically for fun. I cannot honestly say that I have had experience in this but a number of my friends have and greatly encourage it for everyone. It is not everyday you get to study what you love in DC Capitol, Europe, or Japan. Think of all the site seeing you will be able to accomplish and the memories you will make. Sure, it is a bit more expensive but it is definitely worth it.

11. Trust in the Lord

Though it sounds cliche, it is also very truthful. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” – Proverbs 3:5-6. Continue to follow the Lord during your time in college. Life will get stressful, friends will be lost, breakups will happen, finances will be a burden, and existential crisis’ may occur. That is all more the reason to be close to God and to be strong in Him. I say this due to my experience: When your spiritual life is not strong, other things in life began to fall apart. Grades drop rapidly, you begin to hate your job, you distance yourself from others, your spending goes out of control, and much more. When you are spiritually strong, you have more of a drive and a focus in life. I am not saying that everything will go your way when you trust in God, but when the life gets rough or something unexpected happens, you will be prepared and ready for it. When times get hard, pray and praise God and when times get easy, pray and praise God.


And so with that, young freshmen, I hope and pray that you have a great college experience and that you trust in the Lord in where ever he guides you. Think there is anything I left out or have any questions regarding my 10 reasons? Leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Oh, one last piece of advice: Coffee is your best friend during those last minute papers you decide to put off. Just saying.

Dear Freshman, A Word of Advice…

Source: Dear Freshman, A Word of Advice…

There is almost nothing more nerve wracking like the new school year being right around the corner. And with every fall semester come the freshman, beginning their new lives for the next 4 years. Looking back when I was a freshman at Biola University in 2012, I have had a number of thoughts on what I would have re-done, avoided, or done better during my first year. As I come up on my senior year, I decided to write this blogpost for all of those who are entering college for the first time this fall semester. Whether you are entering into a public or private, secular or Christian school, I hope that this post will help give you some thoughts (Note: While this blogpost is aimed more at Christians students and Christian Universities, some of these pieces of advice are for everyone).

1. Not everyone is a Christian at your Christian college

This honestly may come as a shocker to some, but there are large number of students at Christian Universities who are not Christians, whatever the reason may be. For some, it may be because their parents forced them to go to a Christian college. For others, it could be that they are struggling in their faith due to past experiences or the questioning of their beliefs. Before entering college, my parents made it very clear to me that not everyone was a believer and they were right. I came across students who I knew were not believers and that were putting a mask to blend in with the rest of the student body. But do not see this as something to get angry about because you honestly do not know their reasons or their life story. Rather than ignoring or being a mere acquaintance, befriend them and get to know who they are and why they believe what they believe. You never know what will come out of it, maybe you’ll change their life. And if somehow you do not, then hopefully you’ve made a great friend in the process.

2. Think more about what you want to major in

As I said previously, this blogpost is not just for Christians. Unless you are solely set on what it is you want to major in, really consider deeply what field you want to step into. I walked into Biola as a journalism major, having my whole life planned out, all the way to graduate school and beyond and what happened? God tore my plan apart, and for good reason. Now I am a Communication Studies Major, emphasizing in Rhetoric & Interpersonal. If I would have known how much I was gifted in the area of communication back then, college life would have been a different story. Whether you are undeclared or testing the waters of a department, take a good amount of time thinking about what you really enjoy doing, what it is you want to do with your life, and how you could see yourself there. You might change your mind in the future as I did. Better to graduate late with a degree you love than to graduate with a degree you regret.

3. Not everyone in your Student Orientation Group is your friend.

Student Orientation weeks can honestly be a hit or miss for students depending on the people in their group, who their orientation leader is, and who they are as a person. Do not get the idea that everyone in your group or everyone you come to meet is your friend. I connected very well with some of the people I was with and within the next week after orientation, we went our separate ways hardly ever talked again. It may sound sad or negative, but at least you will come to know who your real friends are. I did not have any close friends until second semester, but it was worth the wait. I am not saying do not try and make friends, but do not expect a friendship out of everyone that you come into contact with.

4. Chapel & Biblical Course do not equal church

I have heard this every beginning semester from the school president and speakers during chapel and I will repeat what they said, chapel and your biblical courses are NOT your church.Yes, there is spirituality and growing involved in both these areas,but don’t let college itself be your only way to connect with God. As you begin to make friends, try and find a local church to get involved with and build connections and relationships. It will benefit you, both socially and spiritually, more than you think. And do not try and go to a college where you know most of your friends will be at. Challenge yourself and branch out to the community around you.

5. Be wise with your assignments & free-time

This was one of the most difficult things that I had to deal with when entering college. During high school, you had a strict schedule of classes, lunch breaks, and when certain assignments were due. With college, each professors varies in regards to assignments and how long/how many times you meet a week. Especially when it comes to that one class you have once a week, getting lazy in your work is a huge temptation. Sure, take breaks when you can. Go hang out with friends, take a weekend trip away from college, but do not lose focus on your work. Remember, your money (or your parent’s) is being put into those classes, so make the most of it.

6. Get out of your comfort zone & try new things

You will be very surprised when it comes to trying new things, big or small. As I previously said, get out of the college bubble and go explore the cities and sites around you. Because I am a commuter student, I always enjoy taking Biola friends to new places they have never been, whether it is downtown LA, the comic book store, Disneyland, and even my house (my mom is really gifted in hospitality). Who knows, that new hobby you enjoy doing may become a new inspiration as to what you could do with your life.

7. Put dating off for a for the first semester or two

I get it, you are meeting guys/girls that are truly amazing. They are attractive, great in personality, and actually have life goals they are pursuing. Now, it is not a bad thing to develop feelings for someone, you are human. But I will greatly encourage you to resist pursuing them and try to be “more than friends.” This one is more of a personal opinion due to the fact that relationships vary for everyone. Do not spend your first year looking for “the one” but also, keep your options open with the people you come in contact and make friends with. Be friends first, build up your relationships and focus on school as well as having fun. Wait until at least the second semester or second school year to begin thinking about this but always keep your options open. It is a difficult balance I know, but hey, you never know when you will meet that person. Maybe even during the first semester, you might.

8. Keep track of your finances

Around this time is when students get their first debit and credit card and it can get pretty tempting to spend throughout the week, especially on food and coffee. It is much easier to swipe your card than to pay in cold, hard cash. My advice, set up a financial plan with your parents or your friend who is good with money and plan out how much you spend and what to save up for. Before senior year, my spending was off the charts. Now that I set up a payment plan with my mom, I have a reason to not overspend unless an emergency. If I had done this in my freshman year, life would have been less stressful.

9. Go to summer school

I think we can all agree that no one wants to go to summer school. Regardless of how you feel about it though, you may be thanking yourself in future when you realize how many credits you knocked out in a short period of time and how much money you saved by attending a community college. Get your PE classes complete in a few weeks or that general ed class that just isn’t worth the thousands of dollars at your university.

10. Consider studying abroad

You would be very surprised of how much you can accomplish by studying abroad, both academically for fun. I cannot honestly say that I have had experience in this but a number of my friends have and greatly encourage it for everyone. It is not everyday you get to study what you love in DC Capitol, Europe, or Japan. Think of all the site seeing you will be able to accomplish and the memories you will make. Sure, it is a bit more expensive but it is definitely worth it.

11. Trust in the Lord

Though it sounds cliche, it is also very truthful. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” – Proverbs 3:5-6. Continue to follow the Lord during your time in college. Life will get stressful, friends will be lost, breakups will happen, finances will be a burden, and existential crisis’ may occur. That is all more the reason to be close to God and to be strong in Him. I say this due to my experience: When your spiritual life is not strong, other things in life began to fall apart. Grades drop rapidly, you begin to hate your job, you distance yourself from others, your spending goes out of control, and much more. When you are spiritually strong, you have more of a drive and a focus in life. I am not saying that everything will go your way when you trust in God, but when the life gets rough or something unexpected happens, you will be prepared and ready for it. When times get hard, pray and praise God and when times get easy, pray and praise God.


And so with that, young freshmen, I hope and pray that you have a great college experience and that you trust in the Lord in where ever he guides you. Think there is anything I left out or have any questions regarding my 10 reasons? Leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Oh, one last piece of advice: Coffee is your best friend during those last minute papers you decide to put off. Just saying.

You Make Me Brave || Weekly Psalm

Habakkuk 3:19

The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights…


I stand before You now
The greatness of your renown
I have heard of the majesty and wonder of you
King of Heaven, in humility, I bow

As Your love, in wave after wave
Crashes over me, crashes over me
For You are for us
You are not against us
Champion of Heaven
You made a way for all to enter in

I have heard You calling my name
I have heard the song of love that You sing
So I will let You draw me out beyond the shore
Into Your grace
Your grace

You make me brave
You make me brave
You call me out beyond the shore into the waves
You make me brave
You make me brave
No fear can hinder now the love that made a way

You make me brave
You make me brave
You call me out beyond the shore into the waves
You make me brave
You make me brave
No fear can hinder now the promises you made
You make me brave
You make me brave
You call me out beyond the shore into the waves

You make me brave
You make me brave
No fear can hinder now the promises you made

Read more: Bethel Music – You Make Me Brave Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

New Blog!

I am currently inactive with this site, “My Life with Christ”, because I’ve randomly decided to make a new one. Something about a fresh start? Haha so here it is,

Little Me & a Big God

Mary4christ blog

I will be more active and posting in that site. Thank you! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW for any incoming updates ^^ God bless you, my lovelies! Sorry for the inconvenience and for my random mind. Be blessed! ❤

Christ And Career

Thank you Kriz 🙂 better late than never! haha. This certainly blessed me and reminded that we have a God of perfect timing, and that whatever struggles we’re going through, He will always be there to help us through it all.

Life is tough. I’m pretty much stating the obvious ’cause we live in a fallen world, but life is also beautiful, because there is a God who loves us 🙂 thank you so much for writing this! btw, I absolutely love veterinary medicine but I’m still praying about it, please pray for me haha! ❤ God bless you, sis!


Last April, there was a blogger named Mary who commented on one of my pages here in my blog asking me to write about how my life is as a Medical Student walking with Christ. I was so excited to do it for her, but it took me months to say the things that I need to say. Indeed, everything has its right time and this is the right time for me to say these.

If someone would say, “That guy decided to pursue Medicine”, people will respond “Oh. That’s quiet tough. But maybe he got the brain to rock it.” And then some other people will oppose it by judging that person by his past academic performances or his family’s financial struggle.

If there are many good things people can tell about us, there will absolutely be things they can say that will give a stain on the white…

View original post 1,163 more words

God Works in Mysterious Ways || Weekly Devotions

Psalm 40:5
O LORD my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them.

We had a dance practice a week ago for our Joseph the Dreamer play, it was tons of fun and very exhausting, especially since we ended late in the evening, and everybody had work the day after but it was all for the glory and furtherance of God’s kingdom. Anyway, we had to drop some of our church mates back home (we were all squished in the car, tired and sweaty) but… the car wouldn’t start.

Almost everybody had gone home and we were left stranded in the dark with nobody to help us start the car. Others would think that this was a set back, but for us it’s God’s set up for something better! It wasn’t surprising that they didn’t make a big deal out of it, God will make a way. Indeed, He did. While waiting for one of our church mates who drove back to help us out, we spotted our other friend walking to his car which was right in front of us! We didn’t have to wait for too long to get our car started! It’s all because of the grace of God. But wait, it didn’t stop there…

We spotted our other church mate, lets call her AJ, strolling casually along the sidewalk. She didn’t have anybody to drive her home (she’s chill like that). And because the car wouldn’t start, our friend had to be delayed to help us out and because he was delayed, AJ didn’t have to walk at a long distance to reach home (by herself, at night). God works in such wondrous and mysterious ways! We never usually notice them because we focus too much on the problem, but right now, I’m telling you that there is a reason for EVERYTHING. You might not understand why God would allow such things, but trust in Him because His ways are higher and better than our ways, and thoughts higher than our thoughts. He has no equal. He’s the best! Thank You, Lord for your awesome works! I will put my trust in You though I do not understand what You’re trying to do- please help me be a blessing to others as you are to me and help me shine Your light to those who are lost and seeking.

Check out my Tumblr:

College Dilemma || Needed Prayers

This whole summer I spent the nights (and mornings too) constantly thinking about college. Well Mary that’s a good thing! Getting excited for college is no big deal… Hoo no, I spent the nights (and mornings) ANXIOUSLY thinking about college. The unhealthy kind. I couldn’t stop searching for schools, looking for a good course to study, and where I should study. It’s crazy. Well, here’s the thing, I have always loved Veterinary Medicine ever since I was a little kid and until now. But I want to study in UAE, where I grew up. It’s more familiar to me and I get to live with both my parents. Problem is, there is not a single Vet School standing! So search again, think again.

I still really wanted to study in Dubai which led me to my second choice, Nursing. I never really considered nursing since I was always so “in-love” with vet. med. it never really entered my mind. But Nursing in many ways is so much better than Veterinary Medicine… Gasp, Mary! How could you say that? You’ve loved Vet. Med. all your life! Well, it may be my passion but I have to consider the costs, the area, my parents, and most especially, God. God… Have I forgotten? Oh Lord, I bet you’re already done with my future.

Do you guys wonder why I chose Dubai instead of my own country? It’s because, if I go study in the Philippines I’d have to be separated from my dad who has to work in Dubai to earn and provide for me, my mom, and my sister. So, yes it’s a pretty hard decision for me.

Mary, remember Romans 8:28? In all things and I mean, ALL things (good or bad) God works for the good of those who LOVE Him, who have been called according to HIS PURPOSE. So no matter what your decision is, even if you may have made a mistake, God will turn it into something beautiful and good

Thank You… Man, reading God’s word can really help a lot in times like these. I feel sad for those who seek help from the wrong person/thing. Anyway, when I checked the Nursing schools in Dubai, they’re only 4-6 of them, they’re all an hour away from home and the tuition costs 20k-60k AED per semester (that is without the transportation/uniform/other things). In short, it’s too far and faaaar too expensive. Search again, think again.

I’ve decided to check the nursing schools in the Philippines. There are lots of good universities and the tuition fees are very affordable. Hey, maybe the Philippines isn’t so bad after all. But then there are some important things to consider… We have to buy a house. Admission for the schools is far to early, it’s the same with the entrance exams and I’m not even in the Philippines to take it. It took me 2 months of searching and thinking to finally realize that my future is something only The Lord could know and reveal. Like my Princess God mother taught me about God’s sovereign will… It is something we might never understand until it occurs. And once we see the results, then we will come to know why God allowed it in the first place.

So right here, right now I lay down all these fear, anxiety, and worries about college and my future and give it all to God. Lord, I trade it for Your joy and peace 🙂 I know that I can’t do it on my own, so Lord, I ask you to direct my steps to where you want me to go. And I also pray for those who struggle with the same conflict, Lord that you cast away all their burdens and that you give them rest and assurance that YOU, O God, will ALWAYS keep your promise. Thank you so much, Father. We commit this day and our lives to you, Lord Jesus. In Jesus’ most precious and powerful name, AMEN!

Before you leave this post, I just want to let you know that God has a perfect plan for you and for me, not to harm us but to make us prosper and give us hope (Jeremiah 29:11) There’s no need to worry, there’s no need to feel burdened because if The Lord is for us, then who can be against us? Though it is normal to feel anxious, may it be a reminder of our need and dependence on God, do not let it destroy you and keep you from God but instead draw you closer to Him. Amen?

I hope and pray that you have learnt something from this post as of I, writing it. My dilemma hasn’t gone yet, so I ask of you (those who are reading) to please include me and my family on your list of prayers. Thank you guys so so much! We love you and God bless you 🙂

College Dilemma || Needed Prayers

This whole summer I spent the nights (and mornings too) constantly thinking about college. Well Mary that’s a good thing! Getting excited for college is no big deal… Hoo no, I spent the nights (and mornings) ANXIOUSLY thinking about college. The unhealthy kind. I couldn’t stop searching for schools, looking for a good course to study, and where I should study. It’s crazy. Well, here’s the thing, I have always loved Veterinary Medicine ever since I was a little kid and until now. But I want to study in UAE, where I grew up. It’s more familiar to me and I get to live with both my parents. Problem is, there is not a single Vet School standing! So search again, think again.

I still really wanted to study in Dubai which led me to my second choice, Nursing. I never really considered nursing since I was always so “in-love” with vet. med. it never really entered my mind. But Nursing in many ways is so much better than Veterinary Medicine… Gasp, Mary! How could you say that? You’ve loved Vet. Med. all your life! Well, it may be my passion but I have to consider the costs, the area, my parents, and most especially, God. God… Have I forgotten? Oh Lord, I bet you’re already done with my future.

Do you guys wonder why I chose Dubai instead of my own country? It’s because, if I go study in the Philippines I’d have to be separated from my dad who has to work in Dubai to earn and provide for me, my mom, and my sister. So, yes it’s a pretty hard decision for me.

Mary, remember Romans 8:28? In all things and I mean, ALL things (good or bad) God works for the good of those who LOVE Him, who have been called according to HIS PURPOSE. So no matter what your decision is, even if you may have made a mistake, God will turn it into something beautiful and good

Thank You… Man, reading God’s word can really help a lot in times like these. I feel sad for those who seek help from the wrong person/thing. Anyway, when I checked the Nursing schools in Dubai, they’re only 4-6 of them, they’re all an hour away from home and the tuition costs 20k-60k AED per semester (that is without the transportation/uniform/other things). In short, it’s too far and faaaar too expensive. Search again, think again.

I’ve decided to check the nursing schools in the Philippines. There are lots of good universities and the tuition fees are very affordable. Hey, maybe the Philippines isn’t so bad after all. But then there are some important things to consider… We have to buy a house. Admission for the schools is far to early, it’s the same with the entrance exams and I’m not even in the Philippines to take it. It took me 2 months of searching and thinking to finally realize that my future is something only The Lord could know and reveal. Like my Princess God mother taught me about God’s sovereign will… It is something we might never understand until it occurs. And once we see the results, then we will come to know why God allowed it in the first place.

So right here, right now I lay down all these fear, anxiety, and worries about college and my future and give it all to God. Lord, I trade it for Your joy and peace 🙂 I know that I can’t do it on my own, so Lord, I ask you to direct my steps to where you want me to go. And I also pray for those who struggle with the same conflict, Lord that you cast away all their burdens and that you give them rest and assurance that YOU, O God, will ALWAYS keep your promise. Thank you so much, Father. We commit this day and our lives to you, Lord Jesus. In Jesus’ most precious and powerful name, AMEN!

Before you leave this post, I just want to let you know that God has a perfect plan for you and for me, not to harm us but to make us prosper and give us hope (Jeremiah 29:11) There’s no need to worry, there’s no need to feel burdened because if The Lord is for us, then who can be against us? Though it is normal to feel anxious, may it be a reminder of our need and dependence on God, do not let it destroy you and keep you from God but instead draw you closer to Him. Amen?

I hope and pray that you have learnt something from this post as of I, writing it. My dilemma hasn’t gone yet, so I ask of you (those who are reading) to please include me and my family on your list of prayers. Thank you guys so so much! We love you and God bless you 🙂