I Know.

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Google Images

My dad always reminds me that:

” Whenever someone is teaching, reminding, or helping you, do not answer with an ‘I know’ instead, say ‘thank you’ for their effort to show they care. “

There are times, when people would always remind me to do something and I answer with a rude “I know, I know” oblivious to the fact that I have somewhat hurt their feelings.

Not many people know this.

One time, I was telling my friend about being able to use the computer lab and use the internet at school, she was sooo excited, then her friend came and said “We already know that” and I felt kind of… deflated…

‘They knew?’ I remember thinking.

Well isn’t that a bummer? I wonder what would it feel like to say “I love you” to someone but not being able to hear it back because they ‘claim’ they already know…

I know God loves me and God knows I love him. He already knows everything. But God wants us to talk to Him. He wants us to have a relationship with Him. Even though He already knows.

Dedicated to: My daddy, Byron Pacis.

I am familiar with all your ways ~ Psalm 139:3

Stink Bug

Credits: Google Image

Credits: Google Image

This animal is called a ‘Brown Marmorated Stink Bug’ or simple called the ‘Stink bug’.

Wiki Time:

The stink bug’s ability to emit an odor through holes in its abdomen is a defense mechanism meant to prevent it from being eaten by birds and lizards. However, simply handling the bug, injuring it, or attempting to move it can trigger it to release the odor.

Hence the name… Stink bug!


Though they may be considered pests. These bugs are actually fascinating creatures, and can also teach us morals and lessons.

Here is a short film of ‘Hermie and Friends’ about Stanley the Stink Bug.

Stanley the Stinkbug Goes to Camp, the sixth episode of Christian theologian Max Lucado’s CG-animated children’s series Hermie and Friends tells the humorous story of the insect Stanley the Stink Bug, a new arrival at Camp Bug-a-Boo whose fellow campers have difficulty handling his unpleasant stench – until God teaches everyone that Stanley only stinks because of his fear that the others won’t like him. This program teaches young viewers that the Lord made each of us special and that we must accept each other in spite of our differences. For two of its lead voices, the film sports the vocal talents of comic greats Tim Conway and the late (and beloved) Don Knotts, who had teamed up years prior in a series of comedy classics for Disney, including The Apple Dumpling Gang, and later headlined and 1979’s The Prize Fighter and 1980’s The Private Eyes. ~ Nathan Southern, Rovi

This reminds me of one time I had a friend, who’s smell is… not that appealing, even the teacher herself disliked the smell and rudely asked the girl “Why do you smell like that?” and the girl replied nonchalantly (as if, used to this type of treatment) “I do not know”.

I was young that time, 6 years old. I remember gossiping about the girl to my Best friend (who is now in the Philippines) “She smells really bad” I say, but my BF scolded me and said “She is my friend also and is very nice, treat her nicely.”

God made us for a purpose, and whenever we feel left out or alone, just remember that God is always there for you.


I’m almost done!

Credits: Google Image

Credits: Google Image

I was washing the dishes, when I saw my mom eating her ‘break fast’ pretty quickly.

“Maybe if I was fast enough, she won’t be able to put her plate on my sink.” I thought.

So I scrubbed faster than superman can go and washed away all the soap. I looked at my mom’s side to see her eating the last piece of Banana cue (breakfast).

Lucky for me, I was done with the dishes and quickly wiped all the soap from the sink.

My mom was about to put her plate on the sink, but I ran to my room before she could.

My mom laughed and said “I see what you did there!”

It’s these small things that me and my family have that make me feel contented and happy, and I thank the Lord for giving me a family, that is not only happy and cheerful, but is also faithful to the Lord our God.

Facebook Status:

Me: *Washing the dishes and see’s mom almost finished eating.
Mom: *Eating fast… nom nom nom
Me: *Washes faster hoping mom doesn’t put her plate on my sink.
Mom: *Finished eating
Me: *Finished washing and runs off to room
Mom: *Laughs* I see what you did there, Dannelle >.<


1 John 4:19

We love because he first loved us.